jeudi 20 septembre 2018 à 19h30

Présentation/débat: Les luttes contre la gentrification au Texas

Venez vous renseigner et débattre des luttes contre la gentrification (l'embourgeoisement de quartiers d'une ville, conduisant à en chasser les prolétaires) au Barricade le jeudi 20 septembre.
La présentation faite par un camarade du Texas permettra de comparer les réalités des deux côtés de l'Atlantique, pour tenter de dégager des stratégies communes.
"Gentrification is a worldwide phenomenon, a localized expression of capitalism-imperialism in working-class communities in central cities, especially in imperialist centers. But only in Austin, the capital city of the US state of Texas, can you find a cat cafe that not only pushes gentrification, but is aligned with far-right reactionaries and Nazis. And it's happening in what was formerly a predominantly Chicano barrio on the East side of Austin.
A Chicano activist will share his experiences organizing against gentrification in these conditions as well as talk about the Chicano nation, one of the internal colonies and oppressed nations of the United States. He'll talk about why revolutionary politics are critical to begin to see progress towards revolution in the US, especially for oppressed nations that are preyed on by imperialists on one side and internal forces such as politicians and NGO sell-outs on the other."

en cours d'envoi...

Source : message reçu le 16 septembre 11h